選択した画像 Z~O 30ã ¯^ Y ~fBA 124231
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Z~"O 30'ã "¯^ "Y ~fBA
Z~"O 30'ã "¯^ "Y ~fBA-After switching the 1's and 0's in the Kmap f = AC A'BC' B'C g Problem 2 0 points Katz 219a f (w,x,y,z) = w'x' x'y' Problem 3 4 points Katz 2c,d It's important to notice here that the question ask for the ProductofSums expression Many of you didn't do this To get obtain the product of sums expression from a kmapSolution Let z = 3 x2 y2 We look at various traces of of f z = 0 x2 y2 = 3 z = k x2 y2 = 3 k (a family of circles, k 3) x = 0 z 3 = y2 x = k z 3k2 = y2 (a family of parabolas, opens down) y = 0 z 3 = x2 y = k z 3k2 = x2 (a family of parabolas, opens down) x 3 y z 3 38 Draw a contour map of the function f(x;y) = x2 y2 showing
DES Ex p a n d s I D me I d en t i t y V eri f i c a t i o n f o r P a n d emi c Un emp l o y men t A s s i s t a n c e C l a i ma n t s14 Let Y be a random variable having the density function f given by f(y) = y/2 for 0 < y < 2 and f(y) = 0 otherwise (a) Determine the distribution function of Y (b) Let U be uniformly distributed on (0,1) Determine an increasing function g on (0,1) such that g(U) has the same distribution as Y (c) Determine constants a and b > 0 suchEC02 Spring 06 HW8 Solutions 6 Problem 537 Solution (a) Note that Z is the number of threepage faxes In principle, we can sum the joint
If Z = X Y , then fZ(3) = 1/6 True Since Z = X Y and X,Y are independent, the PDF of Z (fZ(z)) can be obtained by convolving the PDFs of X (fX(x)) and Y (fY (y)) That is, Then EX is equal to 30 True A straight forward way to confirm this factY x z y x z y x z (A) (B) FIGURE 8 (i) x y (ii) x y (iii) x y FIGURE 9 solution The projection of curve onto the xyplane is neither a segment nor a periodic wave Hence, the correct projection is (iii), rather than the two other graphs The projection of curve (A) onto the xyplane is a vertical line, hence the corresponding projection The next letter in the series "A Z E B I Y O" is "C" The reason for this can be understood by separating the series into three patterns the vowels (A, E, I, O, U), the letters backward (Z, Y, X, ), and consonants (B, C, D, ) The vowels in the series have the pattern "A _ E _ I _ O" The letters backward use the pattern "_ Z _ _ _ Y _"
Set x ˘1/3 and y a/(b2/3 ¯1) Then f(x,y) ˘ ((b2/3 ¯1) a b2/3¯1,(b1/3)3) ˘ (a,b) Itnowfollowsthat f is bijective Finally,wecomputetheinverseWritef (x ,y )˘ u v Interchangevariablesto get (x, y) ˘f uv((2 ¯1)3 Thus andy˘u3 Hence 1/3 and v˘ x y 2/3¯1 Therefore f¡1(x,y)˘(u,v)˘ ‡ y1/3, x y ¯1 93 (MK 223) Simplify the follwoing functions into (1) sumofproducts and (2) product (a) F(A,B,C,D) = m (2,3,5,7,8,10,12,13) (b) F(W,X,Y,Z) = M (2,10,13) (a) F(A,BZ g(b) g(a) f(u)du Example Calculate R e 1 lnx x dx Solution We let u = lnx because its differential du = dx x occurs in the integral When x = 1, u = ln1 = 0;
Unscramble Words With Letters The word unscrambler helps you to unscramble letters into words Easily create lists of valid Scrabble words and anagrams that are made from your letter combinations Words are ordered by length TWL Scrabble Words TWL Dictionary Statistics CSW Scrabble Words CSW Dictionary StatisticsF(z) = ABzCz2 z2 We will use algebra to rewrite the given function in the form of the power rule for differentiation Also, the function notation F(z) tells us the input variable is z, so A, B, and C are constants F(z) = ABzCz2 z2 = A z2 Bz z2 Cz2 z2 = A z2 B z C = Az−2 Bz−1 CF F i j k F F i F j F k F F F F F F x y z x y z x y z x x y y z z cos cos cos cos cos cos cos cos cos • is a unit vector along the line of action of and are the direction cosines for F F cos x, cos y, and cos z If the direction cosines are given
Assuming z is a function and A and B are constants, we see that dz dy = d dy ( A y10) d dy(Bey) Pulling out the constants dz dy = A d dy (y−10) B d dy (ey) Now using d dy(yn) = nyn−1 and d dy(ey) = ey, we see that dz dy = A( − 10n−10−1) B(ey) dz Chapter 8 Lines and Angle RD Sharma Solutions for Class 9th Math MCQ Multiple Choice Questions 1 One angle is equal to three times its supplement The measure of the angle is (a) 130° (b) 135° (c) 90° (d) 1°This list of all twoletter combinations includes 1352 (2 × 26 2) of the possible 2704 (52 2) combinations of upper and lower case from the modern core Latin alphabetA twoletter combination in bold means that the link links straight to a Wikipedia article (not a disambiguation page) As specified at WikipediaDisambiguation#Combining_terms_on_disambiguation_pages,
If a scalar function, f(x,y,z), is defined and differentiable at all points in some region, then f is a differentiable scalar field The del vector operator, ∇, may be applied to scalar fields and the result, ∇f, is a vector field It is called the gradient of f (see the package on GradiT hi s a g re e me nt g o v e rn y o ur re l a t i o ns hi p w i t h b i z o ne x o Ü, a co mp a ny re g i s t e re d i n a cco rda nce w i t h l e g i s l a t i o n o f e s t o ni a , w i t h re g i s t ra t i o n numb e r 1 4 3 8 1 0 7 5 a t ha rju ma a k o nd, t a l l i nn, l a s na mÄ e l i nna o s a , na rv a mntThe typical sign convention for a moment in 2D is that counterclockwise is considered positive We can determine the direction of rotation by imagining the body pinned at O and deciding which way the body would rotate because of the force For example, MO = F d
∫b a f(x)dx is called the definite integral of f(x) over the interval a,b and stands for the area underneath the curve y = f(x) over the interval a,b (with the understanding that areas above the xaxis are considered positive and the areas beneath the axis are considered negative)4 3 SincenS 2/σ isχ2(n−1),wehave P{aEC02 Spring 06 HW5 Solutions 3 Problem 321 • The random variable X has probability density function fX (x) = ˆ cx 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, 0 otherwise
Section 145 (3/23/08) Directional derivatives and gradient vectors Overview The partial derivatives fx(x0,y0) and fy(x0,y0) are the rates of change of z = f(x,y) at (x0,y0) in the positive x and ydirectionsRates of change in other directions are given by directionalB F(A,B,C,D) = D (A' C') 6 a Since the universal gates {AND, OR, NOT can be constructed from the NAND gate, it is universalF as shown Then MO = (FY a) – (FX b) Note the different signs on the terms!
The Periodic Table of Elements ELEMENTS IN SAME COLUMN (GROUP) HAVE SIMILAR CHEMICAL PROPERTIES The name of each element (in brown) is accompanied by its chemical symbol (in red), as well as its atomic number Z and its most common (or most stable) mass number A Z = atomic number = number of protons in the nucleus = number of electrons orbiting the nucleus;Title heerfquarterlyreporting_pdf Author kerrygrant Created Date 907 AMPage 1 ECE223, Solutions for Assignment #3 Chapter 3, Digital Design, M Mano, 3rd Edition 33) Simplify the following Boolean functions, using threevariable maps
Page 1 ECE223, Solutions for Assignment #2 Chapter 2, Digital Design, M Mano, 3rd Edition 22) Simplify the following Boolean expression to a minimum number literalsThen x 2y = y2 x2 is even and so yRx, and R is symmetric Finally, suppose that x;y;z 2Z such that xRy and yRz Then x2 y2 is even and y2 z2 is even So, x2y 2= 2a and y2z = 2b for some integers a and b Then we have that x2 = 2a y2 2 Homework 11 Solutions13 y masonry for access manholes on 30" Ø to 72" Ø steel mains 30 z method for protecting di water mains with shallow (less than 24") cover 14 cy joints for steel water mains 31 4z expansion joint for 30", 36" and 48" dia butterfly valves 15 326ya standard fabricated connections for steel mains
4 1222 (d) Prove that f(f−1(B)) = B for all B ⊆ Y iff f is surjective Proof =⇒ Let y ∈ Y arbitrary We have to show that there exists x ∈ X with f(x) = y Let B = {y} By assumption, f(f−1(B)) = B = {y}, so y ∈ f(f−1(B))By definition this means that there exists x ∈ f−1(B) with f(x) = yB = cos1c (M O) y M O d = cos1 a b = 7571˜ = 757˜ Ans g = cos1c (M O) z M O d = cos1 a b = ˜ = 163˜ Ans 4–14 The N horizontal force acts on the handle of the socket wrench Determine the moment of this force about point O Specify the coordinate direction angles a, b, g of the moment axis O x ^AZaz09_$ From beginning until the end of the string, match one or more of these characters Edit Note that ^ and $ match the beginning and the end of a lineWhen multiline is enabled, this can mean that one line matches, but not the complete string
Problem 341 Evaluate the line integral of E =xˆ x−yˆ y along the segment P1 to P2 of the circular path shown in the figure x y P1 = (0, 3) P2 = (−3, 0) Solution We need to calculate Z P2 P1 E·dℓℓ Since the path is along the perimeter of a circle, it is best to use cylindricalMath 311 Spring 13 Solutions to Assignment # 3 Completion Date Wednesday Question 1 p 56, #10 (a) Use the theorem of Sec 17 to show that limThe firstorder partial derivatives of f with respect to x and y at a point ( a, b) are, respectively, and f x ( a, b) = lim h → 0 f ( a h, b) − f ( a, b) h, and f y ( a, b) = lim h → 0 f ( a, b h) − f ( a, b) h, provided the limits exist 🔗 Activity 1022 Consider the function f defined by f
1 Chap 5 Joint Probability Distributions • Probability modeling of several RV‟s • We often study relationships among variables – Demand on a system = sum of demands from subscribers (D = S 1 S 2 S n) – Surface air temperature & atmospheric CO 2 – Stress & strain are related to material properties;Title SEC v Muller complaint pdf Author GIZZIP Created Date PMO A=0 y B=0 o A=1 y B=1 • O sea, la función X = A'B' AB • En estos casos, se coloca un en la celda 1 A'B' y en la celda AB del mapa • Las demás celdas se rellenan con 0 • Las celdas del mapa se marcan de tal forma que los cuadros adyacentes (tanto
Z b a f(x)dt This is a little tricky since the integral is in terms of t, but f is an expression in x, it will be constant with respect to t The answer f(x)(b−a) 3 Evaluate, where possible If not, state why (a) Z 4 1 x2 −x1The Hungarian alphabet (Hungarian magyar ábécé) is an extension of the Latin alphabet used for writing the Hungarian language The alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet, with several added variations of lettersThe alphabet consists of the 26 letters of the ISO basic Latin alphabet, as well as 5 letters with an acute accent, 2 letters with an umlaut, 2 letters with a double acute accentParallel to the yzplane, y = k is a plane parallel to the xzplane, and z = k is a plane parallel to the xyplane In Figure 5, the faces of the rectangular box are formed by the three coordinate planes x = 0 (the yzplane), y = 0 (the xzplane), and z = 0 (the xy
When x = e, u = lne = 1 Thus Z e 1 lnx x dx = Z 1 0 udu = u2 2 1 0 = 1 2 Areas between curves Area between curves The area A of the region bounded by the curves4 SOLUTION FOR SAMPLE FINALS has a solution in Zp if and only if p ≡ 1( mod 4) (Hint use the fact that the group of units is cyclic) Solution If x = b is a solution, then b is an element of order 4 in Up ∼= Zp−1 Zp−1 has an element of order 4 if and only if 4p−1 5_ a i b k v f _ g g h h j Z a j _ r _ g b y d h f i Z g b b ( DFKV ( DFKV QLJKWVEULGJH 3DUNZD\ /LQFROQVKLUH ,/ K R ZZZ HKZDFKV FRP ( DFKV j l b d m e 0$1 J _ ^ 5HY \ m k l B k l h j b y b a f _ g _ g b c H j b b g Z e v g Z y j _ ^ Z d p b y \ m k l Z j l b d m e 0$1
Answer (1 of 3) If z=xiy we have that f(z)=z^2=z\cdot\overline{z}=x^2y^2 This shows that is a real valued function and can not be analytic We can rewrite the above as f(z)=x^2y^2i \cdot 0 Set u(x,y)=x^2y^2 v(x,y)=0 Hence f(x,y)=u(x,y)i \cdot v(x,y) The function f is continuou